Owncloud Upgrade from 7 to 8 failes
If you´ve done an upgrade of owncloud from version 7.0.4 to 8.0.2 and your upgrade failed, have a look at your web server error logs. Errors which looks like
PHP Fatal error: Class OCA\Contacts\Share\Addressbook contains 1 abstract…
Selling e-Tickets using WooCommerce
E-Tickets are a simple solution organizing your event: music, dance or even theatre. Nearly almost people have internet access - a few minor on their mobile. Why print tickets and send them postally, if your visitors can print their ticket…
Allow IP access at Auth Digest
For this Multisite I use the Auth Digest service of my Apache web server protecting access on the login and sign in form of WordPress against brute force attacks.
To get it working you need to edit the WordPress .htaccess file, which is…
Versioning Maria DB and MySQL Common
Who is using the alternative database system MariaDB at Debian and is updating some packages via Dotdeb have had the problem that updates of MariaDB can´t be installed. Error message: "the following packages have been kept back". Reason is…
Modern Review Plugin for WordPress
I´ve used GD Star Rating at my site Currywursttest.com for a long time, but the plugin doesn´t exist anymore and was old fashioned. For my purposes I needed plugin, which can handle multiratings (different rating categories) and could also…
Link preview on Facebook
Open Graph is a developed API by Facebook, which makes it possible to get a link preview on social networks, when you post a link. This API is just a special sort of meta tags, which you perhaps already know from HTML. Open Graph for…
Subschribe to new posts
You would like to be informed about new blog posts of Nichteinschalten.de? You´ve got 2 possiblities:
Making WordPress faster
Websites can be customized to load faster at a visitor´s browser - also WordPress. Mostly it´s a mix between server and WordPress settings, which you´ve to figure out.
Usually most people recommend a plugin like W3 Total Cache. I´ve used…
SEO Basics
I´m musician, I would like to blog about something, I want to have my own website - but what´s the purpose of a website, if no one is reading this site, cause nobody finds it? To be found is one main goal at the internet. The most visitors…