Owncloud Upgrade from 7 to 8 failes

If you´ve done an upgrade of owncloud from version 7.0.4 to 8.0.2 and your upgrade failed, have a look at your web server error logs. Errors which looks like

PHP Fatal error:  Class OCA\Contacts\Share\Addressbook contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (OCP\Share_Backend::isShareTypeAllowed) in /var/www/owncloud/apps/contacts/lib/share/addressbook.php on line 130

could be solved by deactivating the apps Contacts and CalendarOn command line you can fix this with


./occ app:disable calendar
./occ app:disable contacts

Furthermore you´ve to download both apps from the owncloud app store for the version 8. Now replace your downloaded files with the installed ones. Path: /owncloud/apps/. For sure it´s recommended to deactivate both apps before upgrading owncloud.

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  • veritas

    Awesome! Thank you very much this advice, I had trouble to update, but with this advice – everything is just fine. You are awesome! Veritas