My Podlove Template

You´re searchig for a good podlove podcast publisher template?

You can use mine or give me suggestions, how I can make it better:

{% if not is_feed() %}
 {{ episode.player }}
{% endif %}
{# @core/shortcode/downloads-select.twig #}</pre>
<pre>{% spaceless %}
<form action="#">
 <div class="episode_downloads">
 {% if podcast.setting("tracking", "mode") in ["ptm", "ptm_analytics"] %}
 <input type="hidden" name="ptm_source" value="download" />
 <input type="hidden" name="ptm_context" value="select-button" />
 {% endif %}
 <select name="download_media_file">
 {% for file in episode.files %}
 {% set asset = file.asset %}
 {% if asset.downloadable %}
 <option value="{{ }}" data-raw-url="{{ file.publicUrl("download", "select-show") }}">{{ asset.title }} [{{ file.size|formatBytes }}]</option>
 {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
 <button class="primary">Download</button>
 <button class="secondary">Show URL</button>
{% endspaceless %}
{# @core/license.twig #}</pre>
 Include example:
 {% include '@core/license.twig' %}</pre>
<pre>You can pass in a license to determine which one is displayed:
 {% include '@core/license.twig' with {'license': podcast.license} %} 
{% if license is not defined %}
 {% if episode is not null and episode.license.valid %}
 {% set license = episode.license %}
 {% else %}
 {% set license = podcast.license %}
 {% endif %}
{% endif %}</pre>
<pre>{% if license.valid %}
 {% if license.creativeCommons %}
 <div class="podlove_cc_license">
 Dieser Podcast ist unter <a rel="license" href="{{ license.url }}">{{ }}</a> lizenziert.
 {% else %}
 Dieser Podcast ist unter <a href="{{ license.url }}">{{ }}</a> lizenziert.
 {% endif %}
{% else %}
 <div class="podlove_license">
 <p style="color: red;">
 This work is (not yet) licensed, as no license was chosen.
{% endif %}
{# @contributors/contributor-table.twig #}</pre>
<pre>{% set colspan = 2 %}
{% if avatars == "yes" %}{% set colspan = colspan + 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if groups == "yes" %}{% set colspan = colspan + 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if roles == "yes" %}{% set colspan = colspan + 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if donations == "yes" %}{% set colspan = colspan + 1 %}{% endif %}
{% if flattr == "yes" %}{% set colspan = colspan + 1 %}{% endif %}</pre>
<pre><table class="podlove-contributors-table">
 {% if title %}
 <th colspan="{{ colspan }}">}Dieser Podcast wird produziert von:</th>
 {% endif %}
 {% if groupby == "group" %}
 {% for contributorGroup in episode.contributors({groupby: 'group', group: group, role: role}) %}
 <th colspan="{{ colspan }}" class="contributor-group">
 {% if %}
 {{ }}
 {% else %}
 {% endif %}
 {% for contributor in contributorGroup.contributors %}
 {% if contributor.visible %}
 {% include '@contributors/_contributor-table-row.twig' %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endfor %}
 {% else %}
 {% for contributor in episode.contributors({group: group, role: role}) %}
 {% if contributor.visible %}
 {% include '@contributors/_contributor-table-row.twig' %}
 {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
 {% endif %}
<pre>{% if flattr == "yes" %}
 {% include '@contributors/_contributor-table-flattr.twig' %}
{% endif %}</pre>
<pre>{% include '@contributors/_contributor-table-css.twig' %}
<h3>Etwas geben:</h3>
<ul class="podcast_services">
{% for service in{category: "donation"}) %}
 <a href="{{ service.profileUrl }}" title="{{ service.description }}">
 <img src="{{ service.logoUrl }}" width="16" height="16" /> {{ service.title }}
{% endfor %}
.podcast_services li {
 list-style: none;
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